Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Thanksgiving thoughts... Part 2

Well, now that i don't have work so early i guess i can really say what i was thankful for.

I try to be thankful for everything i have and never become a little brat that complains about his life or the things he doesn't have. For example, the next time i EVER hear my self say "i wish i had a new car, or a new job, or a new life" i will allow anyone to slap me in the face. Just remind me why you just slapped me in the face. But any who, I'm thankful for my friends and the life that i have been given because of the fact that it seems that everything in my life goes not always according to plan, but it never goes disastrously wrong. Where is the family portion of me being thankful you ask? Ah, well, as much as i want to think it. I'm not much of a family person. I cringe at the thought of walking through the doors of a family party waiting for me behind the contemporary door of my house on Homestead. The only 3 people i am thankful for in my family of 9 (which includes myself and my parents) is my brother James, who is someone i almost try to emulate in every way in personality. He is a person that is always smart about things, never looking above anyone and even though his pride sometimes gets in the way of his judgments, he never steps out of line when it comes to being disrespectful. I'm thankful for the fact that he always welcomes me at his house when i come home for the weekend when i do. I'm thankful for all the advice he gives me knowing that it isn't hard for me and he might not always sympathize about the things i'm going through but he does empathize. I'm also thankful for my parents who have never pressured me to do anything but my best at what i enjoy doing. They were never those kind of parents who told me i had to be a doctor, lawyer, or anything to do with engineering. Though they were never for me there emotionally, they were just there. And that made the whole difference.

Well that was my part 2 of thanksgiving thoughts. Hope the other 2 people who ACTUALLY read this have had a happy thanksgiving. Til next time. Later!

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